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This site contains documentation about using LiveResults to publish live results from orienteering events and other events

LiveResults for Orienteering

This page includes documentation about the liveresults system using in many orienteering events. It’s divided into information for organizers, developers and users.


LiveResults Client is used for uploading results from your event

Download LiveResults Client 2022-07-23
Released: 2022-07-23 Changelog: See changelog


The system have been used during many international events among others WOC2017, WOC2016, WOC2015, WOC2014, EOC2012, WUOC2010, JWOC2008, JWOC2007, WOC2006, WOC2004 and numerous national events such as FIN-5, Swedish Elitserien 2006-, and 1000+ other events since 2006

The system is free and open source and dependent on contributions for continious development. If you like it - please give a contribution for further development.

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Information for Organizers

The system currently supports uploading results from the Swedish OLA system, SSFTiming, MEOS, OLEinzel (and OLStaffel) and other system that support output of IOF-XML continously.

If you would like to upload from an event system not listed above, please contact with information about the system and example export files.

Events with many expected online viewers or customized layout

If you host a big international event and expect a large number of online visitors or want to have a customized logotype on the liveresults-page there is a possibility to rent cloud-based servers to a low cost (about 10EUR for one week) that will handle the traffic and show your logo. Please contact peter @ lofas .se if your are interested in this.

For Developers

The system exposes a public free api that can be used for 3:rd party developers that want to create applications using data from the liveresults (for example Apps for Mobile Phones). Read more about the Liveresults Public API

For Users